Thrombosed Hemorrhoid – Treatments and Symptoms

External hemorrhoids are usually more painful and irritating than the internal type. They can become distended and a blood clot can form in the small vein under the skin. This causes a terribly sore, hard lump. This is called a thrombosed hemorrhoid.


It is easy to feel them around the base of the anus. These types of hemorrhoids may be the color blue because blood is obstucted from flowing to the veins. They turn red when they are aggravated. Sometimes the blood clot inside the vein may bleed if the vein is irritated, but bleeding is not a common symptom of a thrombosed hemorrhoid.

While the pain can be excruciating, the condition is not usually too serious. Sometimes these hemorrhoids will gradually diminish over a couple of months, but if they continue to grow it may be necessary to have them surgically removed.


There are different surgical procedures to extract the blood clot from the vein of the thrombosed hemorrhoid. Consult a medical doctor for the best procedure for you. Under no circumstances should a lay person ever squeeze or try to remove the blood clot themselves as it may lead to severe bleeding and dangerous repercussions.

Of course there are treatments you may choose to try at home to help relieve the pain. These include over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams, soaking in a warm bath, adding fiber to your diet to make your bowels easier to move, as well as some herbal medicines that can be found in health food stores.

Try different remedies to see what gives you the most relief from your thrombosed hemorrhoid(s). Yes, it is true hemorrhoids are a pain in the butt, but with the proper care, you will soon be able to take a seat with a smile.